Annual Certification
Each library needs to complete its annual certification for system membership here on the L2 website by March 31, 2025.
Before starting certification, your library should complete the latest ILLINET Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Statistical Survey.
(For assistance with your ILL Statistical Survey login, please contact the Illinois State Library at 800-665-5576, extension 2.)
Designated certification contacts should see a link to the certification form on the L2 homepage and your Account > My Dashboard page when logged in.
If you are a library director or are the person who typically completes certification for your library, but do not see the certification link, go to My Dashboard and click on Edit in your Location affiliation and scroll down to the “Key Contact - Regional System” section, check "Certification Contact," and click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
The 2025 certification form includes optional data-collection sections for RAILS public libraries and RAILS special libraries.
If you need help with certification:
- Check the FAQs linked from
- Watch the video demonstration of certification
- Submit the contact form at to receive assistance from system staff