RAILS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Metadata Networking Group aim to foster the importance of a shared understanding to create and maintain more equitable, diverse, and inclusive metadata content. To read more about the group, and sign up for the listserv, go to https://www.railslibraries.info/groups/252353
Please join us for the first meeting of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Metadata Networking Group sponsored by RAILS. This group will host regular discussions on DEI topics related to catalog data. We will collect resources and share progress on our local projects.
Early discussions will focus on subject analysis. At this kick-off, co-chairs Rachel Fischer (CCS, Cooperative Computer Services) and Scott Brandwein (SWAN Library Services) will share efforts their consortia have undertaken to improve the comprehensiveness and inclusiveness of subject vocabularies. Then we will open the floor to hear from you on the same topic. Finally, we want to hear about the personal goals you would have for the networking group.
We would also like to start collecting documentation on subject heading projects from whoever is willing to share. If you are able, please consider sending materials to rfischer@ccslib.org that we can make available on the group's shared drive.
This meeting will be hosted on Zoom:
Topic: DEI in Metadata RAILS Networking Group Kick-Off
Time: Nov 17, 2021 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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