Dispel stigma and judgments towards mental illness -- support your friends, family members, and community by increasing your knowledge and confidence in mental health advocacy. Join NAMI Metro Suburban to learn how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health challenges during this full day certification training.
Read testimonies, review the course agenda, and learn more about Mental Health First Aid by visiting www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org
In this course, you’ll learn to:
- Assess for risk of self-harm or thoughts of suicide
- Become more aware of common mental disorders, their signs and symptoms.
- Support and listen to a youth when they’re experiencing a mental health challenge.
The course will be delivered by a certified instructor, and learning is comprised of group discussions, scenario-based activities, shared lived experiences, PowerPoint presentation and videos. The certified instructor will lead the course and follow a national curriculum and teaching standards, while emphasizing hope for recovery. Classes consist of 30 people or less and are offered in a respectful, comfortable environment.
Registration will be open until April 25, 2024. Participant names and email addresses will be entered into the Mental Health First Aid Learning Management Software prior to the event to receive certification.
Lunch, snacks and light beverages will be provided. We encourage people to bring their favorite reusable cup to use throughout the day.
This event is free for LACONI member libraries and $15 for non-members. Check if your library is a member of LACONI.