The Bibload Workshop focuses on how to use OCLC Connexion Client to make bibliographic records usable for RSA, including how to add library-specific call number/item information to the records, export them from the Client in the correct format, and load them into WorkFlows so they are visible in the RSAcat. Any registrant not already using an individually named WorkFlows account to catalog at the OCLC level will receive one at the time of the workshop.
To participate in this workshop, a registrant must meet these requirements:
- Attend the full workshop:
Thursday, June 26, 2025 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
- Basic familiarity using a mouse and keyboard, as well as the ability to clearly view a computer screen.
- Receive written and/or verbal permission from a supervisor, Director, or administration to register for this workshop. No need to share proof of permission with RSA. The registrant – not RSA – is responsible for meeting this requirement.
- Cancel registration on L2 as soon as possible if participation is no longer possible.
- Meet all of the OCLC cataloging requirements in the Core Competencies for Cataloging Staff at RSA Member Libraries:
- Completion of the basic WorkFlows cataloging workshop provided by RSA or internally at the registrant’s library.
- At least six months of cataloging experience. Exception to this requirement is considered on an individual basis by the RSA Cataloging & Database Supervisor in consultation with the registrant’s supervisor.
- Active subscription to the RSA email forums and routine monitoring for cataloging-related information.
- A functional webcam or borrow one from RSA. Please indicate during registration, using the free-text notes field, if an RSA webcam is needed.
- Reliable internet connection.
- WorkFlows downloaded on the computer before the workshop. Download WorkFlows here. Contact the RSA Help Desk for assistance: or 1-866-940-4083.
- OCLC Connexion Client is already downloaded on the computer before the workshop. Download Client 3.1 here if your computer meets the system requirements on this page. Download Client 2.63 here if your computer does not meet the system requirements for Client 3.1. Contact OCLC Support before the workshop if you need assistance with the Client installation: or 1-800-848-5800.
- OCLC Connexion authorization and password for the registrant’s library ready at the time of the workshop. Contact OCLC Support if the authorization or password is unknown: or 1-800-848-5800.
- Completion of these four modules before the workshop to learn how to use OCLC Connexion Client:
- Module 1 – WorldCat, MARC, and client basics (120 minutes)
- Module 2 – Basic bibliographic searching (107 minutes)
- Module 3 – Basic editing and record processing (95 minutes)
- Module 4 – Save files, file management, and batch processing (100 minutes)
- Begin working on these video requirements as soon as possible after registering to ensure adequate time to complete them before the workshop.
- Prior to the start of the workshop, the registrant will save in their OCLC Connexion Client local save file 3 records for items in need of cataloging at their library. These 3 records can describe items not already cataloged in WorkFlows or items already cataloged as brief records. Saving these 3 records in advance is important because the workshop will not discuss search strategies. The registrant will use the 3 records during the workshop for hands-on practice adding call number/item information, exporting, and loading into WorkFlows.
- Prior to the start of the workshop, the registrant will assign an item ID and call number to each of the 3 items with records in the OCLC Connexion Client local save file.
- Log into Zoom to ensure a successful connection 15 minutes prior to the start of the workshop.
This workshop will not discuss:
- How to install OCLC Connexion Client or WorkFlows onto a computer
- How to configure default settings in OCLC Connexion Client, besides those for export
- How to use OCLC Connexion Client to search for bibliographic records
- How to verify an OCLC record is a match for an item in need of cataloging
- How to edit existing OCLC records to improve or correct the bibliographic description
- How to create new bibliographic records in OCLC (i.e., original cataloging)
- How to manually update and delete library holdings from OCLC records