This training is ongoing and on-demand. Register any time before Dec. 23, 2025 to receive the link for the training.
Illinois Heartland Library System is providing a free Bloodborne Pathogens training module through the use of the Gallaher Step Program. This is a self-paced module in which you must view the training and complete a quiz with a passing grade of 70% or above. The training takes approximately eleven (11) minutes to complete.
Included in this Bloodborne Pathogens training are the following topics:
- Describes the types of bloodborne pathogens (BBP) and explores the ways that they can be transmitted in the workplace.
- Reviews the requirements for maintaining a formal BBP Exposure Control Plan and provides requirements necessary for adequate personal protective equipment, housekeeping practices and safe work practices.
- Discusses measures for reducing exposures to bloodborne pathogens.
Within one week of signing up in L2, you will receive an e-mail directly from Gallagher Risk Control ( through the Gallagher STEP training module stating that you have been assigned training, you will then create a login to access the system and begin your training. Please note that users with Hotmail accounts may experience issues receiving the training links. We encourage those with Hotmail accounts to use an alternate email address for the training.
At the end of the course session, if you have received a passing grade of 70% or above you will be able to print out a certificate of completion for your records. Please give this certificate to your Library Director for proof that you have met the training requirement for Bloodborne Pathogens.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: If my staff want to sign up, must they have a L2 account?
A: Yes, all library staff members should have their own L2 account.
Q: Does this cost me anything to sign up?
A: No. It is free service that is provided to you by IHLS.
Q: I don’t see my email in my inbox for the training.
A: Please check your spam/junk folder.
About Illinois Heartland Library System
As one of the three library systems in Illinois—and one of two multi-type library systems—Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS) is the library's support partner, serving libraries of all types and the staffers and trustees that work for them. IHLS provides the libraries of southern and part of central Illinois with interlibrary loan delivery service, access to digital collections and the SHARE automation consortium, continuing education, networking opportunities, discounts and group purchases, access to state grant opportunities, and more.