Illinois Heartland Library System has partnered with Library 2.0 and Dr. Steve Albrecht to bring you three 60-minute on-demand trainings on library service, safety, and security at no cost to your library!
Webinars included:
- Working Safely in a Rural Location
If you work in a rural library location — which can be defined as:
- Having a police or sheriff’s response that could be 20 minutes to two hours away,
- Working alone or with only one or two other colleagues in the building,
- or working in a one-room facility, with only one entrance/exit door,
— you need to consider every available safety and security option.
Find full session details here: Working Safely in a Rural Location: Security for Staff When Help Is Far - Library 2.0 (
- Stressful Service Situations
It can be hard to talk with certain patrons, for a variety of reasons. Our ability to provide the best service possible to them means we have to be even better listeners and ask useful questions, especially when the patron is either under stress or having trouble listening or communicating with us. This session can help you get conversational control before things spiral in wrong directions and ruin the library experience for you and them.
Find full session details here: Stressful Service Situations 2023 - Library 2.0 (
- The Top Ten Most Challenging Patrons
It’s time to look at the most common types of behaviorally-challenged patrons in our libraries, how they act the way they do, and even why they act the way they do. (Motive for behavior is a funny thing. Are some people born with a collection of irritating, odd, or entitled social habits or do they develop them over time, or is it a combination of both?) This session looks at problematic patron behaviors and gives library staff a behavioral toolkit to use to confidently make your facility a better and safer place to work.
Find full session details here: Top 10 Most Challenging Patrons - Library 2.0 (
Registration Information
Available to: All IHLS-member libraries, all staff levels
Cost: Free for staff of member libraries of Illinois Heartland Library System.
Registration deadline: Dec. 23, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
Accessing the Webinar
Participants must: Register for the event through this L2 page
Each user/staff member must have a unique L2 account and Library 2.0 account.
Instructions on how to access the webinars will be sent to registrants within one week of registration. (Email Kate Kite if you do not receive email instructions within 10 business days.)
About Illinois Heartland Library System
Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS) is a dedicated partner to public, school, academic, and special libraries across southern and parts of central Illinois. As one of the state's two multi-type library systems, IHLS supports libraries with efficient interlibrary loan delivery services, seamless automated lending, robust e-resources, and consulting and continuing education in librarianship. By connecting diverse library communities across the region, IHLS empowers its members to provide their patrons with access to the information and services they need, when they need them.
IHLS has offices in Champaign, Carbondale, and Edwardsville, Ill.