Editing Your Library's Location (Building) Information

Access the 'Edit Location' Form

Only logged-in L2 users affiliated with an Agency and assigned the Admin role can access the Edit Location form(s) for their library.

  1. Navigate to your library's Location page. (For help, see Agency and Location (Building) Pages)
  2. Click the Edit tab toward the upper left to edit the building information. 

    The page content will be locked during editing. Remember to click Save or Unlock when navigating away from the page whether or not changes are made.

  3. Complete the fields below and save. Locked fields are noted. Submit changes for locked fields or requests to add or remove a building to help@librarylearning.org.  

Complete 'Edit Location' Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks.*

General Location Information

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Location Name*Library Location (i.e., School Library Name, Public Library Branch Name)NoOnce/As NeededAll
Agency Name*Name of the umbrella agency (i.e., School District, Public Library District)NoOnce/As NeededAll
Building NameName of Library Location’s building, if different than Agency name (i.e., School Library Name)YesOnce/As NeededAll
Alternative NameAnother name by which the building is knownYesOnce/As NeededAll
AbbreviationAbbreviated building nameYesOnce/As NeededAll
Branch LocationCheck the box if this location is not your agency’s main building.YesOnce/As NeededAll

Primary Image

Upload one photo of the library (.png or .jpg). It will be cropped into a circle on the location's profile page. 

Add Alt-Text: Describe the building and insert a period at the end of the description to facilitate ease of use for screen readers. Alternative text is required.

Example Alt-Text: Picture of Joliet Public Library.

A screenshot of the Joliet Public Library page header with a circle-cropped image of the Joliet Public Library.
Example of how a Location Page header is displayed with a Primary Image uploaded.

Library Sub-Classifications

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Library Sub-TypeSelect the applicable option from the dropdown menu.YesOnce/As NeededAll
Education LevelSelect the applicable option from the dropdown menu.YesOnce/As NeededAcademic, School

School Libraries Only

School Libraries Only fields are view-only. Please submit a help desk ticket to help@librarylearning.org if any information is incorrect. To view this information, use the dropdown arrow on the School Libraries Only bar to expand the section.

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
NCES Branch National Center Education Statistics IDNoOnce/As NeededSchool
RCDTS CodeRegion County District Type Schools Code NoOnce/As NeededSchool 


Follow the Illinois State Library Data Entry Guidelines for names and addresses.

Physical Address*

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Physical Address*Enter the location's physical address. Follow the Illinois State Library Data Entry Guidelines for names and addresses.YesOnce/As NeededAll
Street Address, City, State*Remove any references to P.O. Box addresses. Spell out abbreviations (i.e., North, West, Avenue, Street, Illinois).YesOnce/As NeededAll
Zip Code*Include nine-digit Zip Code (ZIP+4). Look up your library's full Zip Code via USPS.YesOnce/As NeededAll
County*Start typing the name of the county to select it. YesOnce/As NeededAll
Geo-CoordinatesIf you are on-site and your connection allows, click Find My Location to auto-populate the Geo-CoordinatesYesOnce/As NeededAll

Mailing Address

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Mailing AddressEnter mailing address if different than location’s physical address. To access Mailing Address fields, change the Country dropdown to United States.YesOnce/As NeededAll
Street Address, City, StateSpell out abbreviations (i.e., North, West, Avenue, Street, Illinois).YesOnce/As NeededAll
Zip CodeInclude nine-digit Zip Code (ZIP+4). Look up your library's full Zip Code via USPS.YesOnce/As NeededAll

Phone and Website Information*

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Phone*Location’s main phone number YesOnce/As NeededAll
FaxFax numberYesOnce/As NeededAll
EmailGeneral contact email address for the locationYesOnce/As NeededAll
Website URL (and Link Text)In the Website URL field, add an external URL to your library's website. In the Link Text field, enter the text you'd like the URL to display.YesOnce/As NeededAll 
Department Phone NumbersClick Add Department Phone Numbers to add a departmental phone directory to your location's page. Enter the Department Name and Phone Number. Do not include phone numbers that belong to specific individuals.YesOnce/As NeededAll

Social Media Information

To add social media information to your location's page, select the Social Network you would like to include. In the Profile Link field, include the part of the URL to your social media profile that comes after the social media website's domain (e.g., after http://www.website.com/). 

For example, for the URL "https://www.instagram.com/railslibraries", just include "railslibraries". Instead of "https://www.linkedin.com/company/joliet-public-library/", just include "company/joliet-public-library/".

The display order of the social media icons on your location page can be changed by editing the numbers in the dropdown on the right side of each social network's field. The display order begins with zero.

A screenshot of the Location Page Editor. "Social network" is bolded at the top with a dropdown box below. Inside the dropdown box, "LinkedIn" is selected. Below that, "Profile Link" is bolded with a red asterisk; its subheading reads, "http://www.linked.com/". The fillable text field below Profile Link reads: "company/joliet-public-library/". There is a purple button at the bottom of the image that says "Remove" and a dropdown box in the upper right corner with "2" selected.
Example of how to fill in the Social Network information on the Location Page editor.


Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
HoursUse the dropdown menus to enter the hours the library is open each day.YesOnce/As NeededAll
  • For libraries that have split hours in a day, add an additional set of hours for that day using Add Time Slot.
  • Use the Comments field to add notes about specific days or timeslots.
  • If hours are the same on multiple days, use Copy Previous Day to fill in the next day.
Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Hours NotesAdd any notes about library hours in the Hours Notes message box.YesOnce/As NeededAll
Add Special HoursClick Add Special Hours to enter special hours (e.g., summer or academic break hours).YesOnce/As NeededAll
Location ClosedClick Location Closed to add a date range during which the library location will be closed. YesOnce/As NeededAll
Closed for Renovationsse the Checkbox to indicate the location is currently Closed for RenovationsYesOnce/As NeededAll

Catalog and E-Content

Adding a library's catalog and e-content information is required. Use the dropdown arrow on the Catalog and E-Content bar to expand the section. If you have any questions about any of the information below, reach out to your regional library system or catalog consortium, or submit an L2 helpdesk ticket to help@librarylearning.org.

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Digital ArchivesEnter the URL for your library's digital archives. This must be an external URL such as http://example.com. In the Link Text field, enter the text you wish the Digital Archives link to display.YesOnce/As NeededAll
E-Content ConsortiaIn the URL field, start typing the title of the e-content provider and select it from the list that appears. to select it. In the Link Text field, enter the text you wish the E-Content Consortia link to display.YesOnce/As NeededAll
Online Catalog*Enter the URL for your library's online catalog. This must be an external URL such as http://example.com. In the Link Text field, enter the text you wish the Online Catalog link to display.YesOnce/As NeededAll
Catalog/ILS TypeSelect the option that describes your library's automation status and consortium involvement.YesOnce/As NeededAll
Catalog ConsortiumIf applicable, begin to type the name of your library's catalog consortium and select it from the list that appears.YesOnce/As NeededAll consortium members
Consortium ID CodeEnter the identifier for this location in the consortium’s integrated library system. YesOnce/As NeededAll consortium members
Item Barcode PrefixEnter your library's item barcode prefix (the first three to six characters on the item barcode, common to all materials at the library). YesOnce/As NeededAll
ILS VendorIf applicable, enter the name of your library's integrated library system vendor.YesOnce/As NeededAll 
ILSIf applicable, enter the name of your library's integrated library system software.YesOnce/As NeededAll 
OPACIf applicable, enter the name of your library's online public access catalog software.YesOnce/As NeededAll 

Resource Sharing*

Library Administrators are required to update their library's update resource sharing information annually. See instructions on Updating Your Library's Resource Sharing Information.

Interlibrary Delivery

Interlibrary Delivery fields are view-only. Please submit a help desk ticket to help@librarylearning.org if any information is incorrect. To view this information, use the dropdown arrow on the Interlibrary Delivery bar to expand the section.

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Delivery TypeThe type of delivery your library receives.NoOnce/As NeededAll
ILDS StopThe ILDS code associated with your library location.NoOnce/As NeededAll
Delivery HubThe regional library system delivery hub that services your library's location.NoOnce/As NeededAll
Delivery CodeThe library location's specific delivery code.NoOnce/As NeededAll
cdp stopOnly used if Delivery Type is "Indirect delivery - community partnership." This will list the location that received delivery on behalf of your library.NoOnce/As NeededAll
Delivery Route ScheduleIf your location receives scheduled delivery, this section will list the regional library system's delivery route and the days of the week the route is valid. Your library may be serviced by more than one delivery route.NoOnce/As NeededAll

L2 Administration Only

L2 Administration Only fields are view-only. Please submit a help desk ticket to help@librarylearning.org if any information is incorrect. To view this information, use the dropdown arrow on the L2 Administration Only bar to expand the section.

Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
Branch NumberThe location's Branch Number assigned by your regional library system.NoOnce/As NeededAll
Does Not Have Staffed LibraryA checkbox indicating whether your location has a staffed library. (This is checked for a school building in a member school district if building does not have a staffed library. Such buildings are considered to be "non-member" but may be included in the district's participation in group purchases and other programs.)NoOnce/As NeededAll

Preview, Save, or Unlock

Preview your changes, save, or exit the form with the buttons at the bottom of the page.

Note or Preview Changes (Optional)

  • Feel free to note revisions in the Revision Log Message box (if applicable).

  • If you wish to preview your changes, click Preview.

    To return to the content editor from Preview, click the "Back to content editing" link in the upper left corner of the page. Do NOT use your browser's back button, or your changes will be lost.

Save or Unlock (Required)

  • Click Save to save your changes.

  • Click Unlock if you have not made any changes.

    If you choose to navigate away from the page without saving, the page remains in a locked state. If you haven’t made any changes, you still must click the Unlock button to remove the lock. 

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Contact Us/L2 Help

If you encounter other errors or issues, or have any questions, contact the L2 Help Desk, help@librarylearning.org.