Updating Your Library's Resource Sharing Information

Annual Action Requested

Annually, Library Administrators must update the Resource Sharing Information for ALL Locations (Buildings) within their Agency. This includes the sharing of policies on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing, along with updating contact and OCLC information if applicable. Resource Sharing information can be edited by logged-in users assigned the Admin role for their library's Agency. Library Directors are automatically assigned the Admin role. Other users may be assigned the Admin role for their affiliation with the permission of the Director. Contact help@librarylearning.org for more information.

Updating Your Library's Resource Sharing Information

  1. Navigate to your Location's page. (For help, see Agency and Location (Building) Pages.)
  2. Select the Edit tab at the top of the page.

    The page content will be locked during editing. Remember to click Save or Unlock when navigating away from the page whether or not changes are made.

  3. Scroll down the page to the Resource Sharing Information bar. Click the dropdown arrow to open the menu of options.
  4. Edit the Resource Sharing Information:
Field NameField DescriptionEditableUpdateLibrary Type
OCLC CodeIf your library belongs to OCLC, please enter your library's OCLC institution code.YesOnce/As NeededAll
ILL FaxIf applicable, enter the fax number for your library's Interlibrary Loan contact.YesOnce/As NeededAll
ILL EmailEnter the email address of your library's Interlibrary Loan contact.YesOnce/As NeededAll
ILL Policies on OCLCIndicate whether your library has Interlibrary Loan policies available on OCLC. If your library does not belong to OCLC, select "N/A".YesOnce/As NeededAll
Upload ILL Policies*To upload your library's Interlibrary Loan policies, use the dropdown arrow on the Upload ILL Policies bar to expand the section. Click Choose File to upload a file (32 MB file limit. Allowed types: .pdf .doc .docx). Please review your documents for accessibility before uploading. For help creating accessible documents, see the resources at Section508.gov.YesAnnuallyAll
Link to ILL Policies*To link to your library's Interlibrary Loan policies on your library's website, enter an external link in the URL field (Example: http://example.com).YesAnnuallyAll
Upload Reciprocal Borrowing Policies*To upload your library's Reciprocal Borrowing policies, Use the dropdown arrow on the Upload Reciprocal Borrowing Policies bar to expand the section. Click Choose File to upload a file (32 MB file limit. Allowed types: .pdf .doc .docx). Please review your documents for accessibility before uploading. For help creating accessible documents, see the resources at Section508.gov.YesAnnuallyAll
Link to Reciprocal Borrowing Policies*To link to your library's Reciprocal Borrowing policies on your library's website, enter an external link in the URL field (Example: http://example.com).YesAnnuallyAll 

Preview, Save, or Unlock

Preview your changes, save, or exit the form with the buttons at the bottom of the page.

Note or Preview Changes (Optional)

  • Feel free to note revisions in the Revision Log Message box (if applicable).

  • If you wish to preview your changes, click Preview.

    To return to the content editor from Preview, click the "Back to content editing" link in the upper left corner of the page. Do NOT use your browser's back button, or your changes will be lost.

Save or Unlock (Required)

  • Click Save to save your changes.

  • Click Unlock if you have not made any changes.

    If you choose to navigate away from the page without saving, the page remains in a locked state. If you haven’t made any changes, you still must click the Unlock button to remove the lock. 

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